(410) 280-0530 - Main Phone
47 West St
Annapolis, MD 21401
When you are facing criminal charges of any kind, you are already experiencing a deeply stressful and emotionally-charged time. You may be wondering what happens next, who to turn to, and how to proceed with your future intact. At Henley & Henley Attorneys at Law, clients will find a legal team with 30+ combined years of experience and a profound dedication to defending your constitutional rights. They pride themselves on providing personalized attention and highly detailed legal strategies which are customized to the needs and goals of the client. This team has handled thousands of cases and has everything you need to defend your rights in the face of DUI, theft, drug crimes, or any of a number of other charges. Henley & Henley Attorneys at Law also covers personal injury law and family law matters. If you have been injured due to the action, or inaction, of another party, they may be able to help you seek out compensation to cover the cost of your injuries. Call today to learn more about the team and to schedule your free consultation!