(609) 584-2275 - Main Phone
2333 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd
Trenton, NJ 08619
The Law Offices of Samuel L.Sachs is a small but extremely experienced criminal and serious traffic defense firm. Mr. Sachs has been practicing law in New Jersey for 29 years, spending 9 years of that as a Municipal Court Judge in East Windsor, New Jersey (1989-1998). Mr. Sachs was also an acting Municipal Judge in Ewing, Hopewell, Hamilton, Lawrence, Princeton, Trenton, and West Windsor during those years, and was the acting Cranbury Municipal Judge from 1996 to 1998. Mr. Sachs has worked as a Municipal Prosecutor and as a Municipal Public Defender. In 2006 Mr. Sachs was voted Municipal Court Attorney of the Year by the New Jersey State Bar Association for his work in the landmark DWI case State v. Chun.Lauren E. Scardella, Esq. has been an associate with the firm since 2009. Ms. Scardella holds a B.A. in Justice from American University in Washington, D.C. and a Juris Doctor from Rutgers-Newark School of Law in Newark, N.J. Ms. Scardella was the law clerk to the Hon. Ira E. Kreizman, J.S.C. (Ret.) in the Criminal Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Monmouth County. Ms. Scardella is licensed to practice in New Jersey and in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. She has been trained by Draeger, the manufacturer of the Alcotest, on the science and technology behind the Alcotest, having received the same training as that given to the New Jersey State Police Breath Testing Coordinators.