(518) 563-5964 - Main Phone
47 Clinton St Ste 102
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
If you live in Plattsburgh, come visit a law firm that has been a staple of your community for 10 years. At Ruchelman & Cruikshank, P.C. we provide conscientious and attentive service to our clients. When you are in need of a criminal defense attorney who knows the law inside and out you can count on Ruchelman & Cruikshank, P.C. to help. Family law is always a delicate matter. Relationships can be strained, and at our law firm our top priority is making these transitions easier for you.No matter what you have been accused of, you will need a strong defense in order to prove your innocence. When you choose an intelligent team with 30 years of combined experience like Ruchelman & Cruikshank, P.C., you are making the right call.Your case could mean the difference between paying a fine, being incarcerated, or walking away with your innocence proven. Make sure you only have the best defending you.A divorce is never easy for anyone involved, so if you need a law firm that will stand behind you and your needs during the divorce proceedings, Ruchelman & Cruikshank, P.C. is here. With 15 years of experience in family law we are prepared to help you through the process.