(262) 642-4368 - Main Phone
2847 Buell Dr
East Troy, WI 53120
We Take Care of What Matters Most Victoria A. Oleniczak has a practice devoted primarily to the areas of family law, including divorce, custody, post divorce, child support & other matters associated with families day to day legal needs. Attorney Oleniczak came to East Troy in 1992 after graduating from the university of Dayton School of Law. Linda Gray maintains a practice in both family law and has extensive experience and continues to represent clients in the area of municipal law. In 1982 Attorney Gray began working with the Village of East Troy as an associate for Greenwald & Maier Law Firm. She later became a partner in the firm. Since that time she has served as the Village of East Troy attorney. In 1999 her association with Victoria A. Oleniczak began.Visit Our Website for more information.