(216) 870-9913 - Main Phone
1555 Warren Rd
Lakewood, OH 44107
Hello. For almost 20 years I represented companies and insurance companies in defending claims for personal injury, workers' compensation and wrongful terminations. I have changed sides and am now working to help individuals who have encountered illegal and wrongful acts by companies, individuals and insurers. Basically, I know how these entities defend claims so I have inside information on how best to get them to pay what they owe. I also have represented individuals who are small to mid-size business owners in their employment needs, workers comp and other regulatory issues and contract disputes with customers and vendors. Finally, I can represent you in municipal criminal matters such as traffic incidents, DUIs and other minor charges. I do not charge for consultations and have a standard contingency arrangement in many matters where such is customary. My hourly rates are low in relation to my experience and knowledge.