(505) 238-5797 - Main Phone
Po Box 879
Los Lunas, NM 87031
Solo practitioner law firm located in Los Lunas, New Mexico. Ms. Ward has 14 years experience in criminal law, and is now offering criminal defense representation to people accused of crimes ranging from minor offenses up to 1st degree murder. Statewide. Other legal services offered as well, including personal injury, worker's compensation, elder law/Social Security and disability advocacy, Alternative Dispute Resolution, civil rights and constitutional law litigation,... Prospective client meetings are by-appointment only. Half-hour consultations free.  Appointments can be made after-hours and for weekends. 24-hr. emergency service offered in criminal cases for current clients with signed retainer agreements on file and for prospective clients on an hourly fee basis until a retainer is signed or another lawyer is hired by the client