(804) 277-4774 - Main Phone
10132 W Broad St
Glen Allen, VA 23060
In need of an experienced Richmond criminal attorney? Carlson & Collier provides legal services in the area of criminal defense. With more than 180 years of combined legal experience, they have in-depth knowledge of how the Virginia and federal criminal systems treat criminal charges. Mr. Carlson has an Avvo.com rating of 8.5 Excellent. Thousands of Virginians have turned to the firm to represent them. Obtain a zero-cost case evaluation by calling the firm at (804) 277-4774. David Carlson of Carlson & Collier is a dedicated, hardworking attorney with experience in both Federal and State Courts. He has successfully defended clients throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Judson Collier of Carlson & Collier has experience on both sides of the courtroom. As a former Prosecutor for Henrico County, Jud is able to use that knowledge to defend you. Call Carlson & Collier today.